Risk management

Covering all the aspects:

  • Pre-work risk assessments
  • Operative risk reporting
  • Incident risk evaluation
  • Opportunity and risk register

Pre-work risk assessments

Quickly evaluate risks before starting the work using customizable pre-work assessment templates.

The functionality is available via a mobile app with offline support and can be used by both own employees and contractors.

Operative risk reporting

Noticing, systematically collecting and analyzing potential risks helps to prevent incidents and accidents.

Collected data can be used for both operative fixes and as an input for identifying larger potential risks.

Incident risk evaluation

Evaluating risk for each incident not only forms the statistics but also helps in indentifying the handling process.

Less serious cases could have a lightweight handling but the ones with high potential risk need a thorough investigation aimed on finding and eliminating the root causes.

Opportunity and risk register

Corporate level opportunities and risks could be managed in a risk register which provides an easy way to follow-up on risks and track tasks.

Risk analytics such as risk heat map is then available directly in the system and doesn't require any manual work.

Custom risk matrix support

We support any size of risk matrices with custom probability and impact values. Different risk categories (e.g. safety, environment, security, etc) can use different matrices.

Risk matrices can be configured directly in the system by administrators.